Today I had the pleasure to meet Perry Bacalis and his wife Maria, in Piraeus. Perry is the son of Paul N. Bacalis, a USAF 2-Star General who fought gallantly during the WW2, flying his ‘Snooper’ B-24 Liberator on anti-ship missions in the South China Sea region. Bacalis awarded with a Silver Star and a DFC for his actions during WW2 but his career evolved in the Air Force becoming Wing CO of a Strategic Wing equipped with B-52s, SR-71s, and KC-135s. Before that, he was also attached to the CIA's project OXCART and contributed to the operational debut of the Lockheed A-12 over South East Asia and later worked also on the Blackbird. For what it is known so far, it is the only Greek American Looking Glass CO meaning that he was in command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers have been destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. In such an event, as the general officer aboard the Looking Glass, he served as the Airborne Emergency Action Officer (AEAO)and by law assumed the authority of the National Command Authority and could command execution of nuclear attacks. His story will be unveiled in our third volume of GREEKS IN FOREIGN COCKPITS with the valuable help of the Bacalis family. Furthermore, for me personally, it’s a great honor because Bacalis heritage is from a nearby village to mine outside Pýrgos in Ilia District. During their visit, I was able to hand them over the original painting created by none other than my brother in arms, George Moris, who unfortunately couldn’t be with us, as well as to give them a print of the excellent profile made by my French brother, Bertrand Brown.
The day closed unexpectedly when Perry and Maria present me also a special gift for me. A framed box along with Paul N. Bacalis Generals Stars from his uniform during his service in the together with an engraved dedication for me. I could hide neither my joy nor my gratitude for the honor they did make to my person and through me to the whole team of the GREEKS IN FOREIGN COCKPITS….12 months left..only!
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